Monday 7 September 2009

Big Bro 10 Finale

Let's start with Friday, After 93 days, Big Brother 10 finally came to a conclusion and the final five were whittled down to just one, and what a winner it was.
Sophie Reade was doing it for the girls as she battled with the other 4 males.
First out surprisingly was the Brazillian/italian part time moaner Rodrigo Lopez, who was swiftly followed by his part time lover Geordie Charlie Drummond although both were quick to deny that they were going to continue their relationship on the outside world.
that left us with Yorkshire's David Ramsden,Fashionista Siavash Signabour and Sophie Reade.
The ever annoying Davina McCall then interrupted action from the house again to announce that David had finished 3rd place and was somehow met with boos and jeers yet Charlie and Rodrigo were warmly greeted by cheers. (not saying anything about fixes lol).
Then it came, after all the tears and tantrums from the previous 3 and half months it was between Siavash and Sophie, and as they embraced each other cuddling and rocking back and forward on the sofa chants could barely be heard of support for Sophie, Then sophie's name was called out as the winner and as siavash was convincing The glamour model that she had won and NOT finished runner up.
after Siavash emerged from the house in his eviction costume The winner emerged from those doors and sophie recieved her prize money of £71,320 and has today announced that she is going to hand close pal Siavash £10,000 because he deserved it for wearing that costume for so long and the Fashionista is set to hand it to charity.
Well done to the winner and runner up

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