Thursday 30 July 2009

Big Brother 10

Not been on in a while, been a bit busy, but i'm back with a bang now.

So what's been Hitting the headlines this week.


the long running reality show has taken so many twists and turns in the past two weeks and has went from dull and boring to sexy and entertaining.
The five newbies that went in last week are now whittled down to two with Karly's boyfriend the much hated Kenneth couldn't handle the pressure of being up for eviction so he walked Posh boy Tom soon followed, which leaves us with the ever mysterious Bea and rather annoying Hira and the equally annoying Leeds lad David.
There's no doubt that these new housemates have livened the show up which is shown by the ratings on the up.
Also the housemates seem to have taken something as Sophie was seen cuddling up to Marcus, Noirin is jumping from ON/OFF boyfriend Siavash to the ever creepy Marcus.
Bea seems to be playing a good game in there as she is slagging off noirin one minute and then cuddling up to her all the time behind her back shit stirring between her and other housemates, also does she like Freddie or is she in there to scupper his chances of winning also then she goes and snuggles up to Marcus.
Now Big Bro has hammered the nail into Noirins proverbial Big Brother coffin so to speak by putting her American ex boyfriend in as a housemate who has the looks of a wentworth miller from prison break but is really just an annoying c''t and Noirin has dropped Siavash like a hot potato and went back to her slimy ex. she's now 1/20 to be the next housemate to get the boot and as much as she is gorgeous she deserves the boot.

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